Proud to offer this great product in our practice!
Chirosport Wellness Center

Proud to offer this great product in our practice!
Chirosport Wellness Center
Have to share.. I love WAR FUEL First week: I have NOT had a soda in a week (used to drink 5x day) and drank 4+ cups of coffee a day.. down to 1 … then its water and WAR FUEL… I’ve drop 2 lbs. this week and feel awesome!
Christina W.
Just finished a 3 hour grind that started with hard pad work and bag work with Coach John Blanken then jumped directly into my strength and conditioning program with Coach Patrick Mills. Feeling like a f@&king monster! Now I’m sitting back and rehydrating with WAR FUEL getting ready for my next session.
Muhsin Corbbrey
In shape lost 30 pounds, WAR FUEL is awesome!
Dean Lister
Such a great product, and supporter of our sport, and our fighters!!!
Big-Fight Mgmt
I have been filming Tito Ortiz last camp here in big bear before his fight on July 7th. During this time in big bear I decided to train as well to get in shape I dropped 20 lbs and after my workouts I added your product to protein powder and loved it. I’m not sure if u sponsored the camp but love the product. I’m Tito’s video and photographer.
Kenny K.
I love this product!
Brendan C.
Just wanted to say great job with your product! I work a s a firefighter and train at Dynamic MMA on my off days. Your product has been awesome in my line of work, especially in training. Recently we trained in our annual swift water rescue in which is an extreme rigorous training. Typically I am wiped out after the training. Your product was an awesome drink to have on hand that helped me recover quickly and not be drained to complete the rest of my shift at the firehouse. As soon as I got back to the firehouse and showered we had a fire and I was 100% ready to go! Thanks.
Ryan L.
I have been taking WAR FUEL for 2 weeks now and I am amazed at how I feel after I go through a Marinoble Kickboxing Class. No soreness after class and enough energy to continue going multiple rounds. I started taking it to lower my cholesterol but it has done so much more for me. Thank YOU!!
Tiffannie E.
I absolutely LOVE WAR FUEL! I kickbox on a regular basis and I use WAR FUEL to give me the extra boost I need to have an optimal workout. It works! It really does and it is soooo good for you. It has many key health benefits that I also love about it. I will drink WAR FUEL forever!
Christina E.
This product gives you energy, builds strength, but also beet roots have amazing health benefits. I do stand behind WAR FUEL and drink it every day.This product has made me more fit and a stronger person.
Steve E.
Love the product!
Michael PainTheory Mma
I made a lot of progress in my workouts; nice to have something legitimate to boost performance.
Michael O.
WAR FUEL is amazing! I drink it every day!
Debbie L.
WAR FUEL has completely changed my body during a workout. It has increased my endurance during my hardcore cardio workouts. I can go stronger, longer, run faster, kick/punch harder. I do not struggle to catch a breath nor do I need to stop for water breaks as often. I have been using WAR FUEL for about 6 months now and see SO much improvement in my overall fitness health. I would recommend WAR FUEL to everyone to just try. I promise you will love the results you get. Whether you do a light workout or a hard core workout, you will see results in your performance.
Samantha J.
I’d just like to thank you guys for creating WAR FUEL. I drink it everyday and I have seen great results from it. Definitely helps with hydration and recovery; it also just plain makes me feel good. I recommend WAR FUEL to all my buddies who are active in sports. Nothing like some WAR FUEL after cutting weight lol. Great product and I will continue to support the cause and spread the word.
Cannibal S.
I spent Saturday Sept 10th out in the Road bike in Mammoth Lakes doing their 102 mile Grand Fondo and I really enjoyed the WAR FUEL on that long endurance ride! I have been using it with both my dirt riding and road riding and it has not only made a difference in my overall ability to recover after the rides but is really helpful during the ride to keep me hydrated! I feel no soreness after my rides and still today have very little soreness or tight muscle sensations that keep me from riding day after day.